Hair Transplantزراعة الشعر

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and Direct Hair Implantation (DHI) are two different hair transplant techniques. While they share similarities, such as the goal of transplanting hair follicles to areas of hair loss, they have distinct differences in terms of the procedure, tools, and methodology. Here’s a comparison between FUE and DHI:

  1. Extraction Method:
    • FUE: FUE involves the extraction of individual hair follicles from the donor area using a specialized micro-punch tool. The surgeon manually extracts each follicle, one at a time. This method provides precise control over graft selection.
    • DHI: DHI also uses the FUE extraction method to harvest hair follicles. However, in DHI, the harvested grafts are immediately implanted using a specialized tool called a Choi implanter pen. This means that the grafts are not stored or handled outside the body, and they are implanted directly after extraction.
  2. Implantation Process:
    • FUE: In FUE, the harvested grafts are typically placed in small incisions made in the recipient area. This step may be done by the surgeon or the surgical team.
    • DHI: DHI, as the name suggests, involves direct implantation of the grafts. The Choi implanter pen is used to create the recipient sites and simultaneously place the grafts into these sites. This minimizes the time the grafts spend outside the body.
  3. Precision and Control:
    • FUE: FUE allows for precise control over graft selection and placement. The surgeon has a high level of control over the angle, direction, and density of graft placement.
    • DHI: DHI offers a high degree of precision in graft implantation because it uses a specialized tool to create recipient sites and insert grafts simultaneously. This can lead to very accurate and natural-looking results.
  4. Scarring:
    • FUE: FUE typically leaves small, dot-like scars in the donor area, which are often less noticeable and can be hidden with shorter hairstyles.
    • DHI: Like FUE, DHI also leaves small, dot-like scars in the donor area. The scarring is similar to that of traditional FUE.
  5. Recovery and Discomfort:
    • FUE: FUE generally has a quicker healing time and less post-operative discomfort. The tiny extraction wounds tend to heal relatively fast.
    • DHI: DHI may have a similar recovery timeline to FUE since both methods share the same extraction process. The comfort level during recovery may be influenced by the surgical techniques and skills of the surgeon.

Both FUE and DHI are effective hair transplant methods with their own advantages. The choice between the two techniques depends on individual factors such as hair characteristics, the experience of the surgeon, and personal preferences. It’s important to consult with us to determine the best technique for your specific needs and goals.


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